Society for the Promotion of Education and Awareness (SEAP - Pakistan)
Annual Report 2005
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Poverty remains a serious concern in Pakistan. With a per capita gross national income (GNI) of $420, poverty rates had fallen substantially in the 1980s and early 1990s but started to rise again towards the end of the decade. According to the latest figures, as measured by Pakistan's poverty line, 33 percent of the population is poor.


There are also significant gender gaps in both literacy and health status in Pakistan. Gender disparities in education remain significant. While the male population completes an average of five years of schooling, the female population in Pakistan completes only two and a half years. Maternal mortality remains high at 200 per 100,000 live births. Gender disparities in Pakistan are severe and pervasive. Deep-rooted cultural and institutional constraints prevent Pakistani women from fully participating in the development of their society. Their presence in the public sphere is condemned under the guise of cultural and religious values, thus, making their contribution outside the home difficult, if not impossible. Institutionalized violence against women in Pakistan allows crimes of 'passion' and 'honor' to go unpunished and has become, in the past two decades, one of the biggest constraints to widening their role in the public domain.


Keeping in view the current realities, the level of poverty, political and economic instability and uncertainty regarding justice and peace is leading our society near to breakdown of civic services, and given rise to high unemployment and created sense of fear and insecurity in the masses. This crucial situation is demanding action from the social organizations and activitist inorder to alleviate poverty to make struggle for social justice for the well being of human kind.


Our main thrust is to work for integral development by raising critical consciousness of the poor masses in order to bring them together to participate meaningfully in Social Transformation through working together for Peace and Solidarity.


During the years of 2004 and 2005, a very encouraging experience sowing the efficacy of the mass media took place when a great mobilization of solidarity came about in favor of the peoples of Asia. It was heartening to see how quickly the international community responded to the tsunami and earthquake that claimed countless victims.


Breaking down dividing wall and building bridges are two great challenges, which face all of us, both as individuals and professional. It is necessary to work so that nobody is influenced by prejudices or is a source of them, and to ensure that Social Transformation through working together for Peace and Solidarity is meant to strengthen the bonds of friendship and love that clearly signal the onset of the Kingdom of God here on earth. 



Samina Naz,

Executive Secretary, SEAP - Pakistan


Situation of the Target Regions and SEAP – Pakistan’s Intervention:


SEAP - PAKISTAN is working in rural and semi urban areas of District Multan. In the rural areas, the majority of people are uneducated where as, the other facilities (i.e daily food, basic health, self security, decent development (bathrooms, toilette), job opportunities) are very limited due to socio-economic political carelessness or selfishness. In the above-mentioned prevailing situation, SEAP - PAKISTAN emerged as an Organization, with young leaders to take initiatives to lend a helping hand to poor students from indigenous communities. Later on the current needs of the hour, led SEAP - PAKISTAN to chalk out its activities in consultation with other friends with the impetus to continue the work and strengthen the collective actions for the uplift of the marginalized and weaker section of society. The main thrust of SEAP - PAKISTAN is to develop and promote culture of acceptance, tolerance and peace, where ordinary people can have equal opportunities to live their lives in dignified manners.


Strategic Planning 2003 was a milestone for SEAP - PAKISTAN to critically evaluate the previous activities and integrate need based mandatory programs. After strategic planning 2003, SEAP - PAKISTAN introduced many positive changes both administratively and operationally.  These changes became affirmative source for further betterment in our organizational work and lead SEAP - PAKISTAN toward more professionalism and sustain organization in the region. 


Keeping in view the current situation the main thrust of SEAP - PAKISTAN is to work for integral community development by raising critical consciousness of the poor masses in order to bring them together to participate meaningfully in Social Transformation through working together for Peace and Solidarity.


Following is the cursory glance of the major programs of SEAP - Pakistan:


v      Community Development Program

v      Youth Development Program

v      Women Empowerment Program

v      Primary Health Care Program

v      Social Harmony and Peacebuilding Program


Community Development Program


Community development is the planned evolution of all aspects of community well being (economic, social, environmental and cultural). It is a process whereby community members come together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems. The scope of community development can vary from small initiatives within a small group, to large initiatives that involve the whole community. Regardless of the scope of the activity, effective community development should be:

q       a long-term endeavor,

q       well planned,

q       inclusive and equitable,

q       holistic and integrated into the bigger picture,

q       initiated and supported by community members,

q       of benefit to the community, and

q       grounded in experience that leads to best practice.

q       its relationship to building capacity.


Community development requires and helps to build community capacity to address issues and to take advantage of opportunities, to find common ground and to balance competing interests. It does not just happen — it requires both a conscious and a conscientious effort to do something (or many things) to improve the community


SEAP - PAKISTAN through Community Development Program is interacting with target communities in order to materialize the Vision, Mission, Goal and Objectives of the organizations.  Community Organizing Process and Skill Based Approach is the entry point in TDA (target development area). CO process leads the organization to analyze and organize people for other need-based program/projects and their proper implementation. After knowing the problems and existing resources of the area Community Development Program integrate its activities with other mandatory programs/departments.


Following are the major activities of the Community Development and Mandatory Programs of Society for the Promotion of Education and Awareness:


Awareness Meeting on Community Mobilization


Mr Shoukat Shafih from Tariq Abad, Union Council # 92, Shak Rukn-e-Alam Town, Multan organized an awareness meeting on community mobilization on April 23, 2004. Ms. Samina Naz, Program Manager, SEAP - PAKISTAN together with Mr. Shoukat Shafih, social organizer of the area, facilitated this meeting. Mr. Shoukat Shafih emphasized to the participants that their active involvement in community organizing process is to tackle all the problems with collective efforts. While Ms. Samina Naz shared that in this instable economic situation we can solve our problems i.e poverty, unemployment and non-accessibility to desired education, through cooperative societies and may bring prosperity in our communities.


Community Organizing Process


On 9th August 2004 Ms. Farhat Rasheed and Mr. Shoukat Shafih (social organizers) arranged a community meeting at Saeed Colony, Union Council 67, Bosan Town, Multan. During the meeting Mr. Marcus Younas briefed about the role of a leader in social development and particularly explained the role of group members in the social and economic development. He shared the importance of effective group formation and the responsibilities of the people for participatory and sustainable development. He also shared that active community participation at all level is very necessary for the proper formulation and implementation of the need based projects. Participants showed their deep concern and great interest for the collective development initiatives.


Primary Health Care Program


Primary Health Care (PHC) incorporates personal care with health promotion, the prevention of illness and community development. The philosophy of PHC includes the interconnecting principles of equity, access, empowerment, community self-determination and intersectoral collaboration. It encompasses an understanding of the social, economic, cultural and political determinants of health.


Primary Health Care seeks to extend the first level of the health system from sick care to the development of health. It seeks to protect and promote the health of defined communities and to address individual and population health problems at an early stage. Primary health care services involve continuity of care, health promotion and education, integration of prevention with sick care, a concern for population as well as individual health, community involvement and the use of appropriate technology.


The commencement of Primary Health Care Program is a timely and much-needed response to the health care needs of the rural communities in the target areas of SEAP - PAKISTAN. The community-based approach of SEAP - PAKISTAN is very helpful in materializing this purpose. The integration with the governments Family Planning and Primary Health Care has been very beneficial to go a long way in mitigating the basic health problems of rural women and children.


To achieve the objectives of the program, Community Health Workers (CHW’s) are selected from the target communities. CHW’s are educated and belong to their own communities. They are trained, supervised by a predefined criteria. A trained CHW can provide all basic health care facilities to her own community. The Program Coordinator regularly supervise the work of CHW.


Evaluation of CHW’s is done on monthly basis and a final report is generated at end of the year. Uptil now, 6 CHW’s are working in 3 target areas providing primary health care facilities to the rural communities.


The objectives of Primary Health Care Program are to:


  • Bring about community awareness, change in attitude and mobilization for health
  • Provide & promote preventive & curative PHC services
  • Put greater emphasis on Mother and Child Health services
  • Improve nutritional status of mothers & children
  • Integrate existing vertical health Programs
  • Improve utilization of health services

Apart from regular activities in the target areas, Society for the Promotion of Education and Awareness conducted following activities during the year 2004 - 2005 regarding Primary Health Care Program:


Polio Day Campaign


The entire health staff of Society for the Promotion of Education and Awareness took active part in Polio day Campaign on 9 to 11 March 2004 and 10 – 12 January 2005. They worked in close collaboration with Govt.’s health staff for making these campaigns successful in order to set up a polio free society. Although this program is indicating very positive results yet there is still need to raise awareness for the importance of Polio vaccine and National EPI program.


Seminar on Natural Family Planning Methods


 A seminar was organized on natural family planning methods on 12 April 2004 at Jangla Basti, Multan. Ms. Tajalia Kaleem from Marie Stopes, Multan was the resource person. She had a productive and comprehensive sharing regarding natural family planning methods and its importance for the proper health of a mother and child.


Seminar on Hygiene and Health Problems


On 22 May 2005 a seminar on Hygiene and Health Problems was organized at Saeed Colony, Multan. The purpose of the seminar was to raise awareness among people about hygiene and the need of environmental cleanliness to avoid diseases. The second purpose of the seminar was to provide medical information and awareness to the people in order to raze epidemic diseases. The resource person Ms. Samina Patras emphasized on keeping the surrounding clean as most of the seasonal diseases are an out come of stagnant water, dung and wet filth. More than 65 women participated in the seminar.


Seminar on HIV/Aids


In connection to World AIDS Day, an awareness seminar was organized by SEAP - PAKISTAN on 1st December 2004 at Multan. 35 participants from the different networking organizations attended the seminar. They were given detailed information about the HIV/Aids, its effects and how to prevent oneself from this hazard disease.


Health Awareness Seminar 


On November 13, 2005: Ms. Balqees Nadia CHW organized a seminar on “Hygiene and Health Problems” at New Naqashband Colony, Multan. The major purpose of the seminar was to emphasize on awareness about personal hygiene and family health including the environment. The Coordinator for Primary Health Care Program told further that even though there are difficulties, it is possible to prevent our selves from several diseases by simply keeping the surrounding and environment neat and clean. The household women of the locality decided to celebrate cleanliness week as a follow up of the said seminar. During the week, womenfolk focused on cleanliness of not only their houses but also their locality.


Youth Development Program


The Youth Development Program is committed to working with community youth on creating opportunities for personal growth and leadership. We believe positive youth development must occur in context of the family, school and community and we strive to connect and engage the youth with those environments. The program offers a variety of activities including academic tutoring and English as a Second Language; peer leadership training and development; tutor training; recreational activities; health education; workshops; peer support groups; activity clubs; outdoor activities and exploration; parent workshops and family field trips as follows:


Youth Leadership Conference


Pakistan Gospel Fellowship arranged a youth leadership conference on February 22, 2004 at St. Mary’s Church, Multan. The main objective of this conference was to promote leadership and raise awareness among the youth about the current needs. SEAP - PAKISTAN youth members participated in the conference along with the youth coordinator.


The facilitators of the program emphasized on the need of youth’s agility and being more active. They should be prepared to the utmost for upcoming challenges. They said that the youth is the backbone of the nation and they are the people who will be building the new ways to progress in near future.


Preparation for Student Festival  


On 25 March 2004, meeting of Youth team was held at SEAP - PAKISTAN office. The agenda was the preparation for student festival, Mr. Shoukat Chanan, Youth Coordinator welcomed the participants and shared the agenda of the meeting. The youth members of different areas of Multan participated in the planning meeting.


Mr. Shahbaz Ghani convened the meeting and briefly described the purpose of organizing Student Festivals; he said that the encouragement of the young and talented students is very necessary to keep them on good pace. He also proposed some ideas and suggestions for the success of upcoming student festival. The participant also shared their enriching ideas.


Student Festival


On 08 May 2004, SEAP - PAKISTAN youth development program organized a student festival for youth. The festival was organized for encouragement of the students who got out standing positions in their classes. The distribution of books and uniforms to deserving and intelligent students was also part of this event. Mr. Shahbaz Ghani, Program Coordinator welcomed the participants and shared the prevailing education situation saying that though students are facing difficulties in the current situation but they have to be very determined to get higher education for becoming productive and responsible citizens of the country.


Talking to the participants Mr. Inayat Malik (Educationist) shared a short story of three young boys who became the source of change for whole community. He elaborated this story with the life style of Jesus and said that we have to get light from Jesus, our Best and the only Paradigm, in our youth ministry. Being born and bread with many spiritual facilities, it is our prime and vital responsibility to bring those people in the main stream who have not yet experienced His love. Addressing the youth Ms. Samina Naz said that I am very pleased to meet all of you, young and energetic youth leaders. You have to take part more innovatively in the socio religious activities. We hope that from the learning of such programs you will use your time and talents for the betterment of the society according to the Gospel Values.


Youth Festival


In Connection to International Youth Day and Independence day of Pakistan, Society for the Promotion of Education and Awareness organized a youth festival on 19 August 2004 at Multan on theme “ Youth for Change”. The purpose of the program was to celebrate both the days with zeal and enthusiasm. Mr. Asher Kamran, Minority Member for District Council, was the chief guest. Mr. Shoukat Chanan, Youth Coordinator of SEAP - PAKISTAN welcomed the audience and shared the objectives of the festival. He said that  in the  light of the theme “ Youth for Change” we want to sensitize parents that their children have very pivotal and productive role in bringing change in the communities as change agents.  To raise awareness in youth by providing a platform for positive growth, other extracurricular and recreational opportunities are also essential.


The “Interactive Theatre Group” from Multan Peace Network was excellent to entertain the audience giving “PEACE Message”. It was powerful and was said to better than hundreds of talks and lectures. The Rhythm Musical Band with solo and group songs, national hymns made the Festival a marvelous event. Mr. Asher Kamran, Minority Member for District Council, in his speech congratulated SEAP - PAKISTAN for organizing the festival for celebrating the Independence Day and mainstreaming youth in development activities. He further briefed about the great struggle of minorities especially Christians, for the birth of Pakistan. He further encouraged youth to come forward and join the hands for a greater Pakistan


Career Counseling and Guiding


On August 28, 2004, the end of English Language Course, Society for the Promotion of Education and Awareness arranged an awareness seminar for the youth on Career Counseling and Guiding. Rev Fr. Roccus Patras O.P., Muhammad Jameel and Mr. Shahbaz Ghani were the resource persons. The resource persons gave very comprehensive and detailed introduction of different fields and walks of life in which the participants can continue their further studies. 28 youth members participated in the program.




In a total adult population of 76 million, 47 million (almost two-thirds) are illiterate.  In rural and low-income areas, the opportunity cost of education is very high.  For poor families in rural areas the choice of educating their children has to be balanced against survival strategies and often the decision “ to whom to educate “, is made, in the favor of the boys as compared to girls.  SEAP - PAKISTAN through its Youth Development Program is assisting youth in formal and non-formal education. With the coordination of formal schools/institutes SEAP - PAKISTAN is trying to adjust students and dropouts to use their talents to become viable part of the society.


Career Guidance and Counseling


On January 17, 2005, Society for the Promotion of Education and Awareness arranged an awareness seminar for youth on Career Guidance and Counseling at Jangla Basti, Multan. Mrs. Samina Naz, Program Manager, SEAP - PAKISTAN, Mr. Qamar Samson, Mr. Emmanuel Asi, Mr. Muhammad Jameel and Mr. Shahbaz Ghani, Coordinator SEAP – Pakistan were the resource persons. Mrs. Samina Naz shared that the present education system is not providing sufficient knowledge to the students to meet the challenges of existing modern era. Therefore we within our limited sources are trying to provide guidance and counseling to the students to adopt the field of education according to their natural aptitude. Mr. Qamar Samson talked about the trends in education and also suggested the participants to come forward in the field of IT and technical education. 35 members participated in the program.


Education Promotion Committee Meeting


On 31st March 2005 the meeting of Education Promotion Committee was held at SEAP - PAKISTAN’s office. Mr. Shahbaz Ghani facilitated the meeting. The main purpose of this meeting was to screen and evaluate the cases of individual students for scholarship for 2005. The committee received many applications for scholarship but after evaluating the cases the committee initially approved only two students for three years and two students for two years scholarship.


Education and Current Challenges


On 19 May 2005 Society for the Promotion of Education and Awareness organized seminar on “Education and Current Challenges”. 70 youth members attended the seminar. Mr. Shoukat Chanan, Program Coordinator gave welcome remarks and shared the objectives of the seminar. Talking to the participants he said that it is very necessary for youth to get proper education and knowledge to meet the challenges of this modern era. Mrs. Samina Naz resource person of the seminar gave informative and productive inputs regarding the topic. She said that, it is time for youth to come forward and take the responsibility to lead the society


Educational Survey and the Home Schools Program:


SEAP – Pakistan conducted a survey with the assistance of local groups in order to assess the education situation of the 20 target areas. It has been analyzed that these areas deserves need for education promotion as there is no educational institution in such areas which could provide education to children ranges age of 8 – 14. The “Establishment of Non Formal Basic Education Schools” is specifically for the children ages 8 – 14, who were not able to join formal schooling due to certain circumstances or family limitations. The initiative of SEAP – Pakistan is providing opportunities to such children to gain primary education within limited time of 2 years inspite of formal 6 years of primary education. Currently, in pilot phase, 3 schools have been established and they are providing quality education to more than one hundred children.


Women Empowerment Program


Women constitute one half of the world's population and a visible majority of the poor. Women either solely or largely support an increasing number of families. Projects aiming to improve the living conditions of the poor cannot, therefore, be effective unless women participate in their formulation and implementation, as contributors as well as beneficiaries.


Although women are the main providers of basic services in poor settlements, their key role remains largely unrecognized. They are subject to special constraints in obtaining adequate housing and in participating in human settlement development efforts at all levels. Equitable distribution of development benefits is a fundamental principle, hence the need to remove these constraints.


Females are most likely to work inside the home on domestic chores. The gap between the onset of puberty and time of marriage for females and males is growing as a result of an increasing age of marriage. For females, however, there is little substantive, skills-enhancing activity to fill this growing gap.


Women and youth are also vulnerable to two other faces of poverty, i.e. social and psychological poverty.  Social poverty is the society’s inability to accept women’s equality and their economic, political and cultural rights, while psychological poverty stems from the subjugation of women to the dictates of customs and traditions, which deprives them of control over their own lives.  Likewise the youth which most important resource and nucleus of socio-economic, socio-religious as well socio-political change at every juncture is neglected and isolated from the mainstream of development.


The persistence of tribal, feudal and patriarchal structures have perpetuated the culture of stereotyped roles for women and youth.  The socialization process creates gender differences from childhood, and together with the early age or marriage, early and frequent pregnancies, large family size, and the perception of the limited reproductive and domestic roles, place restrictions on their mobility and participation in the productive process and decision-making. The following important conclusions are drawn from the briefs:


q       To empower women is to increase their control over the decisions that affect their lives both within and outside the household;

q       Women should be encouraged to bring their vision and leadership, knowledge and skills, views and aspirations into the development agenda from the grassroots to international levels;

q       Women should be assisted in conflict situations and their participation in peace processes supported;

q       Emphasis should be given to advocacy of gender responsive legislation and constitutional revisions to increase women's opportunities to influence the direction of society and to remove obstacles to women's access to power;


Following are the detail of major activities conducted regarding the Women Empowerment Program of SEAP - PAKISTAN:


Micro Finance Program for Women:


The major purpose of Micro Finance Program of SEAP – Pakistan is to alleviate poverty by providing quality and cost effective microfinance services to low income households especially women in order to enhance their economic role and decision-making capacity.


The services are delivered through a solidarity-lending programme and small organised groups of women are formed through social mobilisation. SEAP - Pakistan operates in urban and peri-urban areas which are first surveyed through participatory rapid appraisal. Credit is provided to clients on 'social collateral' for income enhancement. Currently SEAP – Pakistan has a portfolio of about 100 clients.


Sewing Training Centers


SEAP – Pakistan opens Sewing Training Centers and imparts training of stitching, needle work, knitting, cutting and give diploma to students who complete the one-year course successfully as per syllabus.


When the community determines the need of a Sewing Training Center in the area and the prioritized request is sent to SEAP - Pakistan, it is forwarded to the Coordinator, Women Empowerment Program.  The Coordinator visits the area and assesses whether or not the Center can be started or not.  A center can only be opened if the number of female interested is either 15 or more.


In case a center is opened than 5 sewing (manual) machines are provided by SEAP - Pakistan.  The nominal fee is charged so that the students share the salary of the Teacher to some extent with SEAP - Pakistan.  Attendance register is also maintained. The timing of the center is only 2.5 to 3 hours per day, and depends on the students when they want to be taught, morning, afternoon or evening as most of the girls or women work as domestic servants and have to do their own household chores.


The teacher follows a syllabus prepared for this training. There are six semesters for this course. The Manager Training Center makes surprise visit to the center to see that it is functioning properly and following the laid down syllabus.  Exams are held at regular intervals to assess the progress made by the students.  Each students prepares her own practical book, which forms a part of the final examination.  After successful passing the examinations a Diploma is awarded.  Currently SEAP – Pakistan is operating two centers in Multan.


Capacity Building


Gender and Development Training


Church World Service P/A organized a 5-days training program on GAD. Three participants from SEAP - PAKISTAN attended the training at O’ Spring Estate Murree. The training was a very good opportunity for the participants to enhance their knowledge and build their capacities to work for the gender issue in Pakistan.


Training on Globalization


From 19th – 24th July’ 2004, Church World Service P/A (Capacity Building Partner of SEAP - PAKISTAN) organized a 6-days training program on Globalization. One participant from SEAP - PAKISTAN attended the training at O Spring Estate Murree. The resource person, Dr. Azhra Talat Saeed shared very productive and enriched inputs on various issues related to WTO and Globalization. The training was an excellent opportunity for the participants to enhance their knowledge and skills for working on these issues in a more appropriate way.


Seminar on Women, Religion and Culture


Pastoral Institute Multan, organized an awareness seminar on Women, Religion and Culture from 11th to 15th October 2004. From SEAP – PAKISTAN, Mr. Shoukat Shafih and Ms. Farhat Rasheed attended the seminar. The seminar was a marvelous opportunity for the participants to enhance their knowledge and capabilities. Their enthusiasm was a hint to send more youth for exposure.


Training on Human Right Education and Activism


From 19-21 November 2004: National Commission for Justice and Peace organized a Heat training program for human right activists. From SEAP - PAKISTAN, 5 youth members participated in this training at Boland Hall, Multan. The training program was an enriching exposure and opportunity for learning.  


Social Harmony and Peace Building TOT Workshop:


From 16th – 19th April, 2004, two participants Mr. Shoukat Shafih and Ms. Farhat Rasheed attended the Training of Trainers Workshop on Social Harmony and Peace Building organized by Christian Study Center Rawalpindi at Sindbad Hotel, Multan. Most Rev. Bishop Joseph Coutts, Mr. Peter Jacob, Mr. Zaffarullah, Mr. Mehboob Sada, Ms. Romana Bashir and Mr. Rizwan Ali were the resource persons.


Follow up of Peace Building Workshop


From November 31 to December 01, 2004 ,two participants, Mr. Shoukat Shafih and Ms. Farhat Rasheed attended the follow up workshop on peace building organized by Christian Study Center Rawalpindi. Mr. Peter Jacob, Mr. Zaffarullah, Mr. Mehboob Sada and Mr. Rizwan Ali were the resource persons. Their inputs were informative and productive on current situation, challenges for peace and peoples’ role for the promoting culture of peace and tolerance. The Cluster wise experience sharing was also part of training workshop.


Visitors at SEAP - PAKISTAN


Visit of Shehnaz and Najma Sadiq (Shirkat Gah, Lahore) to SEAP - PAKISTAN’s office


On 5th May 2004, Ms. Shehnaz along with Ms. Najma Sadiq from SHIRKAT Gah, Lahore paid visit to SEAP - PAKISTAN office. Mr. Marcus Younas, Executive Director SEAP - PAKISTAN briefed about the organization’s activities. Both the personalities appreciated the struggle and efforts of SEAP - PAKISTAN for the uplifting of destituted communities.


Christian Study Center delegation visits SEAP - PAKISTAN


Ms. Romana Bashir, Mr. Rizwan Ali Khan and Ms. Saadia from CSC paid visit to SEAP – PAKISTAN in August 2005. Mr. Marcus Younas welcomed the guests and briefed them about the activities of the organization. The delegation appreciated the programs of SEAP - PAKISTAN for development of underprivileged communities in the region. 


Project supported by Christian Study Center, Rawal Pindi

Weaving Community of Hope: Interfaith Harmony among

Grassroots Communities


Project supported by Christian Study Center, Rawal Pindi

Weaving Community of Hope: Interfaith Harmony among Grassroots Communities


SEAP - Pakistan with the collaboration of Multan Peace Network and its cluster organizations conducted the following activities for the promotion of inter religious harmony and sustainable peace in our target areas. This short term support was provided by Christian Study Center, Rawal Pindi as a follow up of their Capacity Building Training Program:


1.       “Public Dialogue “Role of Minorities in Development of Pakistan”:


SEAP - Pakistan with the collaboration of Multan Peace Network organized a Public Dialogue with the main theme “Role of Minorities in Development of Pakistan” on 24th August 2005 at Boland Hall, Bishop’s House, Multan.  


Renowned dignities from minorities were invited to share their experiences for building a peaceful and prosperous Pakistan. The Clergy leaders from all sects & religions were also invited to share their point of views on Harmony & Solidarity. The commonalities of Islam and Christianity as a global Religion were also focused in this Public dialogue. At the end, Peace awards were presented to renowned peace builders of Multan. Approximately 80 people from different school of thought participated in the Public Dialogue.  


2.       Public Demonstration Rally on “World Peace Day”:


SEAP - Pakistan with the collaboration of Multan Peace Network organized a Public Demonstration Rally for observance of “World Peace Day” with the theme “Working Together for Peace and Solidarity” on 21st September 2005 in front of Multan Press Club, Chowk Nawan Sheher, Multan.  


Renowned dignities from Multan City spoke at the occasion for the prevalence of peace, social harmony and solidarity among followers of different religions in Pakistan.


3.       Development Forum “Iqbal as a Messenger of Peace”


SEAP - Pakistan with the collaboration of Multan Peace Network in collaboration with Multan Junior School, Double Phattak, Multan organized a Development Forum for celebration of “Iqbal Day” with the theme “Iqbal as a Messenger of Peace” on 9th November 2005 at Multan Junior School, Double Phattak, Multan.  


The major purpose of the program was to educate students about the role of poetic work of Dr. Allama Iqbal for the prevalence of social harmony and peace in Indo-Pak Subcontinent.


The forum comprised speeches by school students regarding role of poetic work of national poet for the prevalence of social harmony and peace in subcontinent. The students also read renowned poems of Dr. Iqbal with a message of social harmony and Peacebuilding.


4.       Working Women Convention on “World Human Rights Day”:


SEAP - Pakistan and Multan Peace Network in collaboration with Sha’ur Development Organization organized a Working Women Convention for observance of “World Human Rights Day” with the theme “Role of Women in Society” on 10th December 2005 at Raza Hall, District Courts, Multan.  


The purpose of the program was to advocate regarding possibility for peace prevalence through fulfilling women rights in Pakistan


Working Women Convention was held to commemorate World Human Rights Day. The messages by key speakers emphasized special focus on women rights. The discussions summarized that women constitute around 50 percent of world’s population and make significant contributions in a country’s development and economy. In developing countries they contribute between 50-80 percent of total agricultural labour; in Pakistan 60 percent of total marginal labour is women. They are major producers of food and play a significant role in natural resource management. However, they are less benefited from an economic perspective due to lack of education, technical knowledge, control over land and other resources.


Additional Activities:


§         Presentation of Peace Awards to potential peace makers of Multan on 24th August 2005 at Boland Hall, Bishop’s House, Multan during Independence Day Program.

§         Presentation of best performance awards to players of 2nd All Pakistan Christian’s Football Tournament held at Jinnah Stadium, Islamabad from 8 – 13 November 2005.

§         Presentation of Participation Certificates to participants of “Working Women Convention” held on 10th December 2005 at Raza Hall, Multan.

§         Birthday Celebration of Bhugt Kabeer (Spirtual Leader of Hindu Community) at Balmeek Mundar, Double Phattak, Multan with the collaboration of PMMA.

§         Celebration of joint “Eid Millan Party” for peace makers regarding Christmas and Eid – ul – Izha.

§         Celebration of “Christmas Youth Festival” in collaboration of La Salle Parish, Multan.


Project Outcomes:


Following have been the over all outcomes of the activities conducted during the project duration for peace promotion:


v     Improvement in efforts aimed at greater awareness raising for Peacebuilding in order to address the growing trends of secular and religious extremism.

v     Utilization of the services of moderate religious scholars and individuals for promoting peace and tolerance in the society.

v     Development of work in order to bring together moderate religious groups, secular individuals and organizations and people from other faiths on a single platform to address issues related to human rights violations, sectarian violence, extremism and terrorism.

v     Formation of strong advocacy network among youth and like minded NGO’s in order to promote peace and tolerance in the region.


Project Impact:


The activities of Multan Peace Network enabled the the members of local NGOs and CBOs, Women Leaders, Lawyers, Journalists, Religious Leaders, Government Officials, Councilors, Nazims and particularly youth to:


  • identify and implement peaceful solutions for resolving conflict (e.g., problem solving, decision making, critical thinking, coping with stress, coping with emotions, communication skills, interpersonal relationship skills )
  • identify and avoid dangerous situations (e.g., critical thinking, problem solving, decision making)
  • evaluate violent solutions that appear to be successful as depicted in the media (e.g., critical thinking)
  • resist pressure from peers and adults to use violent behaviour (e.g., problem solving, decision making, critical thinking, coping with stress, coping with emotions, communication skills, interpersonal relationship skills )
  • become a mediator and calm disputants (e.g., self awareness, problem solving, decision making, critical thinking, coping with stress, coping with emotions, communication skills, interpersonal relationship skills)
  • help prevent crime in their community (e.g., problem solving, decision making, communication skills, coping with emotions)

§         reduce prejudice and increase tolerance for diversity (e.g., critical thinking, coping with stress, coping with emotions, communication skills, interpersonal relationship skills)


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